Chiya's Ghar, Addas and Bar

✍ by ngniraj on March 13, 2023, 3:13 p.m. (UTC)

Article About: Cafe,

Memories We Made Along

Chiya! Growing up in a Nepali family means that chiya is something that automatically becomes a part of you. Who doesn’t remember those morning sips of perfectly made milk tea either by their mom or dad as a kid. Those were fun family times that we used to get as a kid. Maybe some people still get to enjoy those little happy moments but it’s not the same for all, no matter what the situation is for an individual but no one can deny that “Ghar ko chiya” (Tea at House with Family) as kids will always be a good memory. And as we grow up, we go on outings with friends and lovers. The first choice of beverage is also the chiya (tea) for many. We make ourselves a “Chiya khani Adda” (Tea at cafes with Friends). We all have at least one regular “chiya dhawa” or “chiya pasal” (small scaled tea shop) in our home town that we used to visit as a kid. And as we grow up more, we grow and become more influenced by Alcoholic beverages. Hens, people get more attracted to “bars”. We do not let go of our tea habit but just make new larger places for Bars in our mind. This is what we do so as we grow, we get attached to what we like and what we find to be attractive, we make place for it in our heart and mind. So, when we see two terms that we find interesting together, we just cannot resist to just see what it is.


Yes, in normal eyes it may look like people have found a way to turn our memories and likes into a Business. Naming a business focussing on something so local and home, will surely win the heart of millions of people. But if it was only about the names, it would be really hard for these businesses to survive for this long. Can a business really survive just with the help of a name that recalls the happy memories and things we like ?

Good / Bad

The answer is not simple, but we know one thing that a business is not just its name. Yes, the name is a very important part of any business but it is not everything a business needs to survive. One thing I find in each and every such cafe is that they are all really good at bringing out something special and new in their tea to our market. The Matka tea of the Chiya Ghar is something that I fell in love with at first sip. Same goes for the special tea offered at Chiya Adda, Chiya Bar and so on. They all have found out a way to take the tea that is special to us and make it even more special. Simple things like putting chocolate or coconut powder in tea in just the right amount is something that we cannot not love.


Naming is very important for business. And it is true that names like Chiya Ghar/Bar/Adda are clever ways of hitting the brain in just the right place and pulling the customers. But one thing is sure that it is not bad to have a good name. And these names are really doing their jobs well.